Garrett met his Grandma LaVerne and Aunt Mindy this past weekend. They gave Justin and me a break for a few days by cooking us dinner and tending to the baby. It was wonderful having them here.
Aunt Mindy bought Garrett "Finding Nemo" to add to his growing Disney movie collection Between the two of them, I think he was in some one's arms all weekend long He loves his Aunt Mi-Mi I think he enjoyed staring at the new faces and hearing different voices Grandma and Garrett Grandma sharing some wisdom with her grandson
Tomorrow our little man will be 2 weeks old. Justin and I were saying today it seems like he's always been here.
This is what he does best...sleep and sleep
cute naked baby the dried milk on the side of his mouth is evidence of a full bellyalert and looking around whistling us a little tune almost a smilethose feet! Mommy and her boy such a sweet spot checking the mail with daddy
Justin and I have been adjusting to life as a new daddy and mommy. I have never been so tired and worried yet so happy and in love.
He loves to be swaddled at night while he sleeps hanging out with daddy best seat in the house Justin is a pro at changing his diapers
I kiss those cheeks 1,000,000 times a day cute little dinosaur outfit Garrett's first outing at just 5 days old...we had to pick up a few things at Babies R Us
Our little boy has finally arrived! After 26 hours of labor, Garrett Mitchell Harrison was born on Tuesday July 15, 2008 at 6:38 am. He weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and is 21 inches long.
On our way to the hospital
waiting and waiting and waiting...
Here he is!! Getting wrapped up tight Dr. Jewell and Garrett just after he was born Proud Daddy The two greatest men on earth!
Meeting his Mommy (one very tired lady) Sweet baby Daddy changing the first diaper...two seconds later he was peeing everywhere all over everything! Speechless Happy Mommy
Garrett in his nursery bed Flowers from Grandma LaVerne Our Little Family See that little smells soooo good.Someone pinch me
Big Yawn He's got his daddy's long fingers and toes He's all mine He loves his daddy. Can you believe this was curled up inside of me just a few days ago? Just look at those long legs!! Mommy and Garrett just before leaving the hospital. I just want to go home! Mommy and Garrett being wheeled to the car to go home. Such a serious face
What a handsome boy! He loved his first ride in the car seat. It's good to finally be back home Welcome home Garrett!