I've been praying for the opportunity to move back to North Carolina ever since the day we pulled up to our new apartment and started unloading our few belongings from the biggest moving truck ever to exist. As excited as I was to be Justin's new bride and move away with him to this new exciting town, I always knew our life in Georgia would be temporary. When our son came along this past July, I knew it was time to move. It takes a village to raise a child and our village is 500 miles away in Eastern North Carolina.

We have just purchased a new home in Hampstead, NC and we'll be moving in less than a week. With our time in Georgia limited, I've found myself reminiscing on these past five and a half years and all of our favorite places that we will surely miss.
I feel a few proper goodbyes are in order.
Goodbye, Carrollton Affordable Dentures. You are the sole reason for us moving to Georgia. It was just a few months after we moved to Georgia that I lucked up and was hired on as a dental assistant. Justin and I rode to work together in the morning and left together in the evening. It was perfect. We made some great friends working in this office and I will always think of the years working here with Justin as some of the greatest years of our life.
Goodbye, Wildwood Apartments. I loved living here. This is where Justin and I lived the first eight months of our marriage. We had no responsibilities. Our life was so easy and carefree!
Adios, El Ranchito. This is probably our favorite restaurant here in Georgia. It's close by our home and the food is always good. When I was pregnant, my mouth would drool at just the thought of their enchiladas. I'll never forget the time during my last month of pregnancy when they had to adjust the booth seat for me just so my big belly would fit behind the table.
True story.
Goodbye, Villa Rica Wal-Mart. I love this Wal-Mart (except the pharmacy). I feel like we are always here. It's so clean and organized. I don't even have to buy Garrett's baby formula at the tobacco check out aisle like you do in Greenville...seriously, what's the deal with that?!?!
Farewell, Hobby Lobby. I will miss you most of all. This store is awesome. They have the neatest stuff and the greatest scrapbooking selection. I think the closest one I'll be to in North Carolina is in Fayetteville.
Goodbye, Tanner Medical Center. This is where my son entered into the world. I can hardly drive by without getting a lump in my throat.
Lastly, Goodbye, 155 Wesley Mill Drive. This is where Justin and I poured our blood, sweat, and tears into home renovation projects. It's where I brought my brand new little baby home from the hospital. I love this house. I will always love this house. We have made so many great memories living here.

I am so excited about this next chapter in our lives. We are so confident that Hampstead, NC is where we are suppose to live and raise our family. Please remember us this Thursday morning when we head out to make that long journey to NC. Justin will be driving the U-haul and I'll be following behind him with Garrett. We are scheduled to move in our new home on Friday. I'll post pictures of the new house as soon as possible!