I woke up this morning around 8 am, realizing that my baby slept all the way through the night and was still sound asleep in his crib like such a big boy. He's been sleeping good like that for weeks now and it has made his mommy and daddy so very happy! I got up and dressed, hurrying to be done before Garrett woke up. He was still snoozing away but I had to wake him because he had his 12 month check up today. I gave G a bath, we ate breakfast, and were off to the Pediatrician's office. I LOVE his new Pediatrician, by the way. He's so laid back, sweet, and gentle. Garrett weighed in at 22 lbs 10 oz. He measured 30 and a quarter inches. His check up was great. I have officially bought my last container of formula and from now on he'll be drinking whole milk. He did have to get 4 vaccinations and his big toe pricked. He took it like a man though. He's tough like his daddy.
Anyway, after his appointment, we headed back home. Garrett fell asleep in the car so when we got back home, I laid him back down in his crib. I opened my front door and to my surprise, the most wonderful package ever was sitting at my doorstep...my modem! YAY, after 2 whole months without Internet my wait is finally over! In no time at all I was hooked up and surfing the web. I thought to myself, WOW, THIS DAY COULDN'T GET ANY BETTER!
Oh, I was right. It was all down hill from there.
Around 5:30 pm, I decided to empty my dishwasher. Garrett was at my heels as usual, whining to be held. I was handing him cups and whisks and big spoons to distract him so I could finish. I was just about done when I saw one of my new Pampered Chef spoons stuck in the bottom of the dish washer. I dug it out and found that the handle was melted from being stuck down there. Oh man, I hate that! So, I got a serrated knife and started scraping away at the melted, disfigured part. STUPID. REAL STUPID. The knife slipped and sliced me right in my wrist. It happened so fast. There was so much blood. I couldn't see the wound because the blood was everywhere. I panicked. Oh no, what do I do?!?! I'm alone with Garrett...has it punctured a main artery...should I call 911...am I going to die?!?! Then I remembered my new neighbor across the street is an Intensive Care nurse. I've met her husband but hadn't been introduced to her yet. It didn't matter...I didn't know what else to do...it was my only option. I wrapped a kitchen towel around my gaping wound, grabbed Garrett, and took off running across the street to my neighbor's house. Thank God she was home! I rang the doorbell and when she answered, I started crying as I showed her the cut on my wrist. She escorted me in and applied pressure to get the bleeding to stop. I was so scared. It looked so bad. I remember a quiet moment in between my sobs when I looked at her and said, "I'm Angie, it's nice to finally meet you."
She was so nice and helpful. Her name is Tara and I love her. I'm her new best friend and she doesn't even know it. I really don't know what I would have done if she hadn't of been home. Once she got the bleeding to stop, she took a look and said I probably should get stitches since the TENDON IS EXPOSED. It makes me queasy just thinking about it. She offered to drive me to Urgent Care but since the bleeding was under control, I felt like I could make it there on my own.
On the way to Urgent Care, all I could think about was how stupid I was. There I was alone with my baby. What if it had of been worse?? What if I had of passed out?? Garrett was very cooperative throughout the whole ordeal. When we got to Urgent Care, he sat on the floor and played with their nasty,
germy toys. At that moment, I didn't care. My wrist was slit and my tendon was showing.

The first thing the nurse did once she called me back was ask me to step up on the scale. Oh great. As if this day couldn't possibly get any worse. Let's just see how fat I am while we're at it! The doctor made sure I could wiggle all my fingers. Then I got 4 stitches and a Tetanus shot. Garrett got 3
Powerpuff Girl stickers. I go back in one week to have my stitches removed.

Melted Pampered Chef Spoon - $12.50
Bloody Dish Towel - $5
Urgent Care Copay - $50
The scar I'll forever have across my wrist - priceless