Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
Fresh Pumpkin Pie

(I picked out and saved the seeds so I can bake them later for another yummy treat.)

Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Cool Place To Play

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Cascioli Pride
I know how much my son resembles his daddy and I'm totally okay with that. I mean, that is a big reason why I married him in the first place...I wanted his babies. Garrett has his daddy's blue eyes, his ears, feet, and sometimes I can even see Justin in Garrett's expressions. I can't tell you the times I've had strangers come up to us or pass by us in public and say things like, "There's no doubt who that baby's daddy is!" or "Wow, he looks just-like-his-daddy!" or "There aint no denying he's your son!" Isn't that sweet and special? It's all great and fine and dandy. HOWEVER, he is my baby too. It was no easy task carrying that little man around INSIDE OF MY BODY for nine months and then bringing him into this world by pushing him OUT OF MY BODY. I really don't think it's too much to ask that the little stinker at least look like he belongs to me!
So, I did a little searching and dug up some proof that Garrett is my biological child after all. You look at these photos and then try and tell me he doesn't look just like his mama!
Well, at least a little bit...right?
Seriously, how cute is this?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ice Cream Etiquette and Germs-A-Plenty
Ice cream scooper...what's that? Ohhh! You're talking about that utensil used to scoop a serving of ice cream out of the carton to be placed in a bowl and eaten by an individual person. Yeah, umm, we don't do it like that at our house.
P.S. Don't be scared to come over and eat our food. We don't drink out of the milk carton and I don't lick the spoon while I cook. You just might want to bring your own ice cream :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
He'll Try ALMOST Anything
It's rare that Justin or I ever get to eat or drink anything in Garrett's presence without giving him a taste. He thinks he's entitled to whatever we have regardless if he's just eaten or not even hungry. He may not like everything we let him try but he will usually at least sample it. There is one thing that he just can't bring himself to try...coffee. Justin is one of those anytime-of-the-day coffee drinkers. He loves the stuff and he drinks it black. Yuck. I can tolerate the smell of it in the morning but I've never liked the taste. Anyway, whenever Garrett sees his daddy sipping from his mug, he'll walk over and act like he wants a sip. He put his lips up to the edge of the mug but as soon as his little nose gets a whiff of that strong brew, he changes his mind real quick.
See for yourself. His reaction makes me laugh so hard!