Garrett is well aware now when Justin is away from home. Just a few months ago, we could wave by to daddy, watch him leave, and Garrett wouldn't think a thing of it. Then, several weeks ago, Garrett started randomly asking where "Da" was. He'd point to photos of Justin around the house and repeat "Da...Da...Da!" I'll be folding Justin's clothes and Garrett will point to Justin's shorts and shirts and yell "Da!"
It's obvious now, when Justin comes home, Garrett is a notably different child. He doesn't sleep well like he normally does. He wakes up really early, fights naps and bed time all because he's so scared he's going to miss out on daddy time. When Justin's home Garrett doesn't want me at all. He's Justin's shadow, glued to him everywhere he goes. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't bother me one single bit. I love it. I just always keep thinking in the back of my mind that another departure day is right around the corner when we'll watch daddy pull out of the driveway, Garrett will cry, and I'll have to explain 200 times a day for the following week that daddy is at work and he'll be back in a few days.