This past Saturday was our 5 year wedding anniversary. We kicked it off with a big breakfast. Justin and Garrett cooked the sausage...

and I made the waffles.

This is where Garrett sits during every meal. He likes to stare at his daddy eating.

I do too :)

For dinner, we drove to Kennesaw, GA to eat at The Melting Pot. It's a fondue restaurant and we love it.

Garrett slept through our dinner allowing us to enjoy our meal. He decided he wanted his meal out in the car.

We had said "no gifts" but Justin broke the rules and surprised me with these earrings and a card.

If the next 5 years are as good as the first, I will be one lucky girl :)
Oh that was so SWEET! Those earings are beautiful!
Yay for 5 years.....also yay for melting pot and new earings! :)
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