I was tagged by Carrie to do this a week ago and I am just now getting around to doing it.
Here are the rules:
1. choose the 4th picture folder on your computer
2. choose the 4th picture
3. explain the picture
4. tag at least 4 people to do the same

This is a picture of me and my daddy when I was, oh I don't know, about 2 or 3-years-old. Growing up in a family of hunters, dead animals were a big part of my childhood and never seemed to bother us or gross us out. It was always a good thing when our daddy came home with dead animals. I mean, it was tradition for us to celebrate with a pan of freshly baked brownies each time my daddy killed a deer! Looking at this photo, I don't know what is crazier...the fact that I am less than an arms stretch from my daddy's gun or that I am sitting on a dead animal and stroking a living animal simultaneously!
Let's see, I am going to tag...
1. Jamie Harrison
2. Laura Vandiford
3. Beth Hyland
4. Karen Moore
Don't let me down girls...come on, it's fun!!
girl, that is just wrong to tag me!! lol I will do it though. I can't believe you were that close to a dead animal. ;) Stay tuned!
Eeeep! I've been tagged! Is that Barkley? --- Beth, who can't remember her blogger id and password :)
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