This is my itty bitty baby Garrett. Isn't he so sha-weet?!?! At this age, all in the world he wanted was to be in my arms 24/7.

Here he is in his crib with his itty bitty pants on. Oh, how I loved those little pants! They make me squeal and giggle!

Now look at him. He's sitting up in his crib.

He's pulling himself up...

and chewing on the rail.

Last week we had to lower his crib. I knew it was just a matter of time before he would stand up and try to crawl out.

He's changing and growing so fast. It makes me a little bit sad. I think I'll go try those itty bitty pants on him again :)

OHHH NO Garrett! STOP growing so fast!!
They grow up so fast! It makes you want another one! ;) I think I cried the day we lowered Tanner's crib. Very bittersweet!
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