I can never express in words how much I appreciate all that you do for us. You are such a wonderful husband to me and daddy to our little boy. I honestly don't know what I would have done those first months of Garrett's life without you. We were new parents, scared to death, so sleep deprived, and ALL BY OURSELVES. Thank you for waking 2 and 3 times a night to feed Garrett his bottle while I sat next to you on the floor pumping for his next meal. You knew how important it was to me for him to drink my milk and instead of complaining and begging me to stop you helped me and supported me. You will never know how much I appreciated that. Thank you for all the nights you would take our little boy from his exhausted mama and let him fall asleep on your chest so we could get a few hours of sleep. Thank you for sharing your bed part of the night even now with our little stinker because his mama has spoiled him by letting him sleep with her while his daddy is away. ( I really am going to work on that) Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to get us back closer to our friends and family. I have always felt like the desires and wishes of your family have always been your top priority and I want you to know how grateful I am for that. You are such a caring, loving, and giving man. I love you so much and thank God for blessing me with you.
Happy Father's Day!

SO sweet!!! Happy Father's Day Justin!
I'm glad you're back! I LOVE reading your posts. That was sooo sweet. :)
SO SWEET!! I love all the pics!
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