Garrett is going through this climbing stage where I can't keep him off or out of anything. He's fearless. I'm afraid he's going to break a bone or really hurt himself. I'm constantly finding him in situations like this...

Apparently TV is better when you can watch it on top of the kitchen table. I can't tell you how many times he's fallen between those chairs. He'll cry and then do it all over again.

This is one of the worsts.

It takes him .2 seconds to get from the couch to the top of this bar.

Then there's this little trick. I'm just trying to figure out where he comes up with this stuff. It all happened over night. Like he was plotting and scheming for the perfect opportunity to try it out.

Last but not least, there's the bathroom climbing trick. This one drives me INSANE! He starts by tossing everything in the bottom drawer out onto the floor. I don't know why but he does it every time.

He pulls the top drawer out and starts to climb.

Basically, I can't use any of my bathroom drawers. I've been putting all my "important" stuff in the top drawer but, as you can see, he can reach that now.

I want all you mommies out there who have little ones who are not walking yet to breathe a big sigh of relief. Then I want you to brace yourself because once they do start walking, this is what you have to look forward to!
P.S. All these photos were taken in the same day. Notice how he starts off fully dressed and is down to just a diaper in the last photo. That's another trick he's to undress himself. Oh yeah, you guessed it...I LOVE it when he does that!
Angie, WOW! That is CRAZY! 1,000,000 % BOY
Oh my goodness! I thought Gracie was bad! I think my heart would stop if I saw Gracie on the kitchen table. Oh the joys...... I hope you have a very safe day! :)
Bless his little heart! He is so darn cute!! Abby is doing the climbing thing, too! They are little dare-devils!
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