As our doctor was going over the results of our baby's 19 week anatomy ultrasound, she mentioned that two small cysts were discovered on our baby's brain. Before we could panic, worry, stress, or act alarmed, she went to great lengths to calm our nerves and assure us that this wasn't uncommon at all, lots of babies have them, and most of the time they resolve on their own before the baby is even born. However, the cysts could be associated with a couple different syndromes/birth defects and because they saw them on the scan, they had to inform us. So, to get a better look at these cysts, my doctor referred us to Maternal and Fetal Medicine where they could get a clearer image on a more high tech ultrasound machine.
The first appointment was scheduled for the following week. The cysts were present but everything else measured normal and looked perfect. I spoke with one of the doctors before I left and what she reported was very comforting and reassuring.

Because the cysts were still visible, the doctor wanted me to come back for one more ultrasound a few weeks later. That appointment was scheduled for today. Before she even started the scan, the technician told me she bet the cysts weren't even there and, thankfully, she was right! The cysts resolved/disappeared and everything looked perfect. Alaina is started to pack on some body fat now weighing in at approximately 2 lbs, 5 oz. After all the painting/decorating I've been doing in her room lately, I needed a little more reassurance that this baby is indeed a "she". I asked the tech if she would mind double checking to make sure the baby was "still a girl".

Thank you Lord for a healthy report. Thank you Lord for taking those little cysts away. Thank you Lord that she is a girl and I don't have to paint over those pink walls!
Awh girl im so glad for you guys, those little girls are super sweet, hope you continue to keep doing great girl, come see us sometime were home:)!!
angie, I was reading your blog through tears of relief for you and Justin. I know you must feel so elated. I am sorry you had to go through such a scary time, sometimes modern medicine is just too good I guess. There seems to be a lot of false positives in some tests these days.
Yay for no more cysts and yay for girl parts! haha! :)
thank God she is ok and is going to be a perfect little girl!
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