Ahhh yes, good ole 1999. I'm the young chick in the middle. Do you see the fella kneeling down to my right? (my right, your left) Well, his name is Matthew Vandiford. He was one of the 3 guys I graduated high school with. Yes, I said 3. Anyway, he's a great guy. He's funny, handsome, smart, accomplished. I always liked Matthew in school and I'd say I like him even more now.
Why, you ask?...

Because he married this gem! (Laura, I stole this pic off your blog...I hope that's ok!) Laura and I became friends through Matthew and our mutual friend, Leslie. She and I have lots in common and I'm so happy to have her friendship.
Way to go Matthew!

Laura is a pharmacist, wife to Matthew, and mother to Gracie. She has also become quite the photographer since we've met. She's awesome behind a camera and, since we're friends, I get to take advantage of her skills.
Lucky, I know.
Here are just a few of the pics she took of my babies:

I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me, Laura. It amazes me how you do all that you do and still find time to do such awesome favors for your friends. Thank you so much!!
The last picture is AWESOME! Great job Laura! Don't let me catch you here with your camera or I'll steal you away :)
You are TOO sweet! I almost cried! You are soooo welcome and I will take pictures for you any day! I am lucky to have such a great friend! :)
That's my Sister! Awesome as Usual! :)
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