Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ice Cream Etiquette and Germs-A-Plenty

Ice cream scooper...what's that? Ohhh! You're talking about that utensil used to scoop a serving of ice cream out of the carton to be placed in a bowl and eaten by an individual person. Yeah, umm, we don't do it like that at our house.

P.S. Don't be scared to come over and eat our food. We don't drink out of the milk carton and I don't lick the spoon while I cook. You just might want to bring your own ice cream :)


Jamie said...

That is the sweetest video! He wants to be just like daddy!

Anonymous said...

That is the way you're supposed to eat ice cream! Smart guys! ;)

Heather said...

That is so sweet! He couldn't eat that ice cream fast enough!! =)